Christ In Us United

When life does not go our way, we must know it’s not the end!

We must trust God has plans for us that we have not thought or dreamed up yet.

Notice the word the US because it is not about Black or White;

It is about us because we are all one spirit in Christ :

It’s not about Rich or Poor;

It is about God’s Grace and faith for us all:

It’s not about the ‘Haves or the Have Nots’;

It is about how we can be leaders and helpers of each other & having the love of God in our hearts:

It’s not about your church vs. my church or about a black church vs a white church;

It is about having the love of God in our hearts to be together as one through love and unity (One God and One Spirit).

We are all One!  Love and Unity, this is where love comes to the rescue.

We are one spirit, not different colors.

Like Paul, the Apostle said: there is no Jew nor Gentile, nor male or female.  I add to this that there is neither black nor white.

Christ In Us United is shifting the atmosphere.  Change is happening in our world. Christ in us united realizes:

When one struggles, we all struggle!

When one triumphs, we all triumph!

I believe its better to be triumphant in Christ through Christ in us united, vs struggling and fighting against each other through the acts of evil.

I believe we are in the book of Acts 2:17 which Dr. Luke says, “I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh (all People). Your sons and daughters (not your black or white sons and daughters), but one flesh will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.” (Referenced also by Prophet Joel 2:28)

I do not know how the story ends, but I know God has finished it just as he started it.

So how do we end the division and inequality if the church is not being one voice?

How do we end the fight between blacks and whites?

How do we end the fight of rich vs poor?

How do we end the fight of haves against have-nots?

How do we end the division of church denominations pitted one against the other?

How do we end the church segregation of black churches vs white churches?

The answer is clear!

It is not about what is happening now but what God did in the beginning.

In the beginning, man was made equal.

In the beginning, there were no black vs white. We were are all made equal.

At the beginning of time, there was hope, peace, unity, and love!

No division was at the beginning where God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden.

I wonder what would happen if we would go back to God and leave behind all of the gloom and doom and emancipate ourselves here now and forever?

I imagine that we would then live as God intended us to live as it was in the beginning. Living as one, with love, with peace, with unity, and with hope!

The church should not be filled with hate but should be filled with love. The church should have one voice:

One voice to shout out in Power, in Love and Unity, and in Freedom and Hope.

One voice to shout against Inequality and Division.

A voice against sin but showing love to sinners and representing the love of God.

Yes, the church has a real role to play which is to let the world know that Jesus is alive, and he is still saving lives!

Our role is to emphasize the love of God through Grace & Faith = Love & Unity. This brings us to one person as we were in the beginning. All of which leads us to Salvation in every way.

One Voice = Us. Notice the word the US.

It’s just like the United States abbreviated (U.S.).

U.S. = US =ALL

How can there be a division in the US!  It is not possible! Can the word the US be divided?

U.S./ US God forbid!

Again, the word the US is not black or white rich or poor….  since we were all one from the beginning of time.

God is the same yesterday today and forevermore. So, he did not change his mind on us being united in Christ. One in Christ.!

Christ in us united. That is a tall order. Let us stand tall in this test of time!

What is greatness?  We often hear “Make America Great Again” What does this mean?

Greatness = Christ In Us United

Greatness = In the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and he made US ONE on the 6th day!

Greatness = US United in Christ

US = U.S. (United States) United in Christ

Now that’s Greatness!

Regardless of what party you stand for the church is not republican or democratic.

The church carries the government on its shoulders and stands for Righteousness.

Righteousness = Grace plus faith

Righteousness = Unity & Love

Righteousness = Love for all

The church looks at both Republicans and democratic and sees the good on each side and even sees the bad on each side. However, the church is not here to judge but to carry the weight of the government on our shoulder in prayer and solidarity trying to bring the world to Jesus, Love, Unity, and Hope.

The church does not take sides, they may vote for aside, but the church should always be on the side of love for all!

Looking beyond the fault of our world and seeing the needs of all. There is the need for love and unity and so much more which is all in the name of Jesus!

Not in the name of President Clinton.

Not in the name of President Bush.

Not in the name of President Obama.

Not even in the name of President Trump.

Get it straight Church! Change comes in the Name of Jesus!

His name?  That’s Love, That’s Unity, That’s Hope, That’s Peace, That’s Justice, and That’s Equality for ALL!

(Isaiah 9:6) For to us, a child is born, to us, a son is given and the Government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!

Notice he did not say he was born to take sides, (Blue State or Red State or  Republican Party or Democratic Party), but instead, he put all of the government on his shoulders and was born to bring peace and not division.

Church please wake up and arise! We are here to slay the enemy and destroy the kingdoms of darkness, to move among satanic forces and subdue them in Jesus’ name!

(John 10;10) It is Satan who comes to kill, steal, and destroy! It is Not People who are creating all this evil. First, it comes through Satan who seeks whom he can use to carry out evil.  God looks for those who will defeat the works of the enemy and will be used for His Glory!  He overthrew Satan already.  So church, why can’t we?  Use the powers and authority we have through Christ In Us United!

Let us fight the real enemy which is Satan not each other!  It is Satan, not Republican or Democrat!

Philippians 3:10. God’s Resurrection Power.  This is what I what to know and where we need to focus our attention.

How? What is the formula for Greatness?

Prayer + Grace + Faith + Wisdom + ‘Love & Unity’ + Patience = Greatness.

Bring it back to the beginning and bring souls to Christ. That is how we win this battle!  There is no other way but the right Way.

The right way is Christ In Us United!  The Only way!

God’s love is greater than death or killing and fighting each other.

God’s Peace is Greater than Division.

Let us create a new normal called loving each other and unifying with each other as our pledge of allegiance states in part.  In part the pledge of allegiance says we are:

One nation, under God, indivisible with unity and justice for all.  Are we really living up to this standard?  Is this a reality or is it fake news? Let us not overlook this part of our heritage. Let this be our Real New Normal!

This is what really makes all of US / U.S. “Great Again!!!